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Tips for Parents

Use our Q&A section below to find out some of our tips for parents at Santa Clara Elementary.

What kind of birthday treats can I bring to school?

The preferred type of treat is individually wrapped and still in the box so all the ingredients are available. Other store bought treats that are not individually wrapped are also acceptable as long as the ingredients are listed on the outer package. 

Homemade treats can only be brought if you have a current food handlers permit and bring a list of all the ingredients in the treat. We will make a copy of your food handlers permit and keep it in your child’s file for future reference. 


Are toys allowed at school?

Toys at school can quickly become a major concern for teachers and other staff. Here is a quick guide on our school’s rules regarding toys.

The NOs:
-Pokemon Cards, sport cards, or any trading type cards
-Electronic game systems (Nintendo Switch or DS,…)
– Action figures, dolls, cars, and other general toys. 
The only time toys and electronics are allowed at school is when there is a class or school party. 

The Grey area:
-Fidget toys (some students have them for emotional, attention, or IEP reasons) The general rule is, if they are improving behavior, then they are good, if they distract more, then teachers can take them away.
-Smart Watches, Cell Phones (These are allowed in school, but should not be used during the school day or as toys)
-Home sports equipment (Footballs are only allowed if a teacher is supervising due to the rough nature of the game. No bats and baseballs of any kind because of the elevated chances of injuries)
As a school, we try to provide enough equipment to make recess fun for all.
How early should students arrive to school?

If a student plans to eat breakfast at school, we open the lunchroom at 8:30 a.m. for breakfast. Students should arrive at least by 8:50 a.m. so they have time to eat before the late bell rings. 

Outside supervision does not begin until 8:45 a.m. so students should not arrive to school prior to this time unless they are planning on eating breakfast.